A common pattern for Seekers is to search everywhere but within.

Prof RA Jasveer "I meet many clients day-to-day in my job working through their life transformation, building out step by step guidance on how they can reach the inner knowledge. A common pattern I usually see in my clients is they sign up for courses listen to transformation content consume all these podcasts read many books and yet they still have no inner knowing. Then usually I have clients speaking to me they speak from a content and that content is very superficial.

We all know what we do we all have inner guidance that directs us to our highest potential, yet we still do not fully trust."


What is mind?

Mind comes to the world and right from the beginning trained with conditions and  wrong knowledge.  Mind is filled with darkness and agitation. That is why old scriptures say: “Lead me from Untruth to Truth. Lead me from Darkness to Light. Lead me from Ignorance to Enlightenment. Lead me from Death to Immortality”. Unless we understand the workings of our mind, we will not be able to free ourselves.

Humanity is living out of mind and not out of intellect

Once you know how powerful this physical brain is and how it connects to the energy that is seen an unseen you can utilise and achieve your dreams and manifest the result is you'd like to achieve.


As you work to reclaim your mind you find that layers of conditioning begin to fall away. Years of schooling, institutional indoctrination, being confined, forced to learn things that are not of interest, ETC.


With all this conditioning you may have forgotten your true essence. It is vital to get to know yourself the best you can. The more you become acquainted with yourself, the more you will understand the direction you need to move into.


Understanding your mind is not easy as there are many forces that are working against your mind, and uncovering this knowledge and others’ opinions I'm raising above all can you really take back your control you take back your mind. We have created our own separation from my mind and body because we detached ourselves from our existence and attached  and attached ourselves to the outside world.

Understanding your mind is not easy as there are many forces that are working against your mind, and uncovering this knowledge and others’ opinions I'm raising above all can you really take back your control you take back your mind. We have created our own separation from my mind and body because we detached ourselves from our existence and attached  and attached ourselves to the outside world.

Prof RA Jasveer - In her corporate career as a SOFTWARE ENGINEER and then PROGAM DIRECTOR DELIVERYING CLIENTs from the transformation of old programs to new... This is what she does with the MIND. Untangling the mind, rewiring, refreshing and rebooting the SYSTEM to be fully connected to your INTELLECT.

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