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What is the Ascension? And why does it have to hurt so much?

No, You Are Not Going Crazy — It's Part

 of Ascension (The Shift)

You may have heard the terms ascension, the shift, or 3D / 5D. What does it all mean and why is it affecting you?

The universe / multi-verse is going through a major growth spurt — as is humankind. As more intense energies move through our planetary system,

some people on earth are experiencing physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Those who are not aware of why this is happening, believe they might

be going crazy. Not to worry. With some gentle guidance, you can make it through this shift!


How do you know if you are going through the ascension process?

Much like the growing pains you may have experienced as a child, the ascension process can be painful if you're one of the individuals who agreed to

participate in this radical shift on earth. Here are some symptoms you might be experiencing:



Before you read this, realize that you are okay and that what you are experiencing is "The SHIFT". This is a normal process when the universal vibrational energy forces you to rise above your normal 3D level of existence here on Earth. It’s all okay.

Ascension Symptoms

1. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. Old patterns, behaviors and beliefs are also being pushed to the surface. There is a lot going on inside of you.

2. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place. You are not in 3D anymore, as you have moved or in the process of moving into the higher realms.

3. Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body. You are purifying and releasing blocked energy vibrating at 3D, while you are vibrating in a higher dimension.

4. Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. Much is going on in your dream state. You can’t be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the ‘cleansing and releasing’ hour.

5. Memory loss. A great abundance of short term memory loss and only vague remembrances of your past. You are in more than one dimension at a time, and going back and forth as part of the transition, you are experiencing a ‘disconnect’. Also, your past is part of the Old, and the Old is forever gone. Being in the Now is the way of the New World.

6. ‘Seeing’ and ‘hearing’ things. You are experiencing different dimensions as you transition, all according to how sensitive you are and how you are wired.

7. Loss of identity. You try to access the Old you, but it is no longer there. You may not know who you are looking at in the mirror. You have cleared much of your old patterns and are now embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order, You are okay.

8. Feeling ‘out of body’. You may feel as though someone is talking, but it is not you. This is our natural defense mechanism of survival when we are under acute stress or feeling traumatized or out of control. Your body is going through a lot and you may not want to be in it. My ascension guide told me that this was a way of easing the transition process, and that I did not need to experience what my body was going through. This only lasted a short time. It passes.

9. Periods of deep sleeping. You are resting from all the acclimating and are integrating, as well as building up for the next phase.

10. Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.

11. You don’t feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period, ‘rebooting’. Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin reaching the higher realms, ‘doing’ and ‘making things happen’ becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to ‘bring’ you what you want while you are enjoying yourself and having fun.

12. An intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D, reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel ‘sick’ inside. You are in a higher vibration and your energies are no longer in alignment. You are being ‘pushed, to move forward; to ‘be’ and create the New.

13. A loss of desire for food. Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state of being. Also, part of you does not want to be here anymore in the Old.

14. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better.

15. You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much better.

16. Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through intense restructuring.

17. A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar. Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. A craving for protein. You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process. Weight gain with an inability to loose it no matter what you do is one of the most typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what it is doing.

18. Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping. Our emotions are our outlet for release, and we are releasing a lot.

19. A wanting to go Home, as if everything is over and you don’t belong here anymore. We are returning to Source. Everything is over, but many of us are staying to experience and create the New World. Also, our old plans for coming have been completed.

20. Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort. You are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to you now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.

21. Anxiety and panic. Your ego is losing much of itself and is afraid. Your system is also on overload. Things are happening to you that you may not understand. You are also losing behaviour patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviours you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. This will pass and you will eventually feel so much love, safety and unity. Just wait.

22. Depression. The outer world may not be in alignment with the New, higher vibrational you. It doesn’t feel so good out there. You are also releasing lower, darker energies and you are ‘seeing’ through them. Hang in there.

23. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. You are releasing many, many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy. Many are now reporting that they are experiencing beautiful dreams. Your dream state will eventually improve and you will enjoy it again. Some experience this releasing while awake. My mother commented one day that she believed I was having nightmares in the daytime.

24. Night sweats and hot flashes. Your body is ‘heating’ up as it burns off residue.

25. Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction. Your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do. It is breaking your ‘rut’ choices and vibration.

26. You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many ‘worst nightmare’ aspects to it. Your soul is guiding you into ‘stretching’ into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into ‘toning down’ aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren’t ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.

Update for 2021

Our Planet has been going through a huge metamorphosis and shift.. The 21st December mass meditation reached the critical mass of 144,000 souls! This powerful energy of the awakening wave has changed the fundamental quantum structure of societies. The old repeating structure has expanded to a higher dynamic that is gravitating toward creativity, peace and harmony.

Many of us will experience the end of the old cycles in our lives which include the end of dysfunctional relationships and moving out of resonance from career, friends, family, loved ones and inner belief systems. But have no fear! For we will actually be leaving behind the old dysfunctional game of duality. The official dismantling of the Old Paradigm has already begun and will continue to accelerate at light speed in 2021.

These are the times we’ve been waiting for! We have trained many lifetimes to prepare for this grand transition!

If the last months of 2020 was about drawing the bow tautly and taking aim, then the beginning of 2021 will be when the arrow is released. This means a super rapid progress will begin in human society. The changes that come with progress will make people emotional, so I would expect the next 3 months to be very intense especially in March.

Everything will bubble up to reach the next level by mid-Feb. We will first notice the increase of “we” compared with previously. This signifies the advent of Aquarius. We advise against chasing clients and numbers. Run a careful evaluation of where your life is heading. If everything seems to fail, you are working with old vibrations and old systems. You need to quickly upgrade your vibes in order to handle 2021.


Understand that this monolithic shift is set by the Universe. One may try using more “willpower” to manipulate or control to maintain the old structure, but under the force of the Universe, these attempts will be futile. Every attempt to suppress the Universe’s intention will only cause events to surface quicker. Just look at Trump (US President until Jan 20)’s election campaign and you’ll see all the suppressed events of the past surfacing. All illusions are bound to break in loud and astounding ways.

MATRIX: In January, suppressed things will start to emerge at personal and national levels. Shocking news will be heard. Local and domestic incidents, scandals and disclosures will fill the internet and the mainstream media. In industries and companies, what is suppressed will bubble up. Things come to a boil very quickly for situations and events that are not aligned to the new structure. This energy will also pose a new challenge to many huge corporations and groups as suppressed layers get released.

Many people won’t be able to sleep well. Anxiety surfaces. People will get agitated, restless and paranoid when they do not resonate with the energy shift. People will be emotional. There will be those who feel like they are going crazy. Many will still cling on to old ways to resolve problems, using fear and anger to motivate themselves.

Fear comes from not understanding our inner strength, where we do not believe in ourselves. So we cling onto outer appearances. We urge everyone to start seeking the light inside.

LIGHTWORKERS: Those who are ready will start receiving clear inner guidance and the inner strength to help them cleanse, stabilize and uplift during these difficult times. Many will become “wayshowers” (lightworkers who show others the way to live inspired and authentic lives). The demand for their services will be created at the physical level.

People will need solutions for their restlessness. Or at least they need to realize they are running on a hamster wheel of the mind. They need to tame the mind, calm the emotions and connect with the peace within. Lightworkers will really need to focus and step up the pace to support the energy and people.

Remember, scarcity is only an illusion you are creating for yourself. Ask and you will receive! The Universe is abundant. Your outer appearance does not control your inner projection, it’s actually the other way around.


Inner strength with the right vision will be the key to rise above challenges in February. You may not solve or work things out. Just take a break and breathe. People in positions of authority may find they have more challenges when Pluto is in Capricorn.

MATRIX (PERSONAL): Many things that resemble the old vibrations will start to quickly collapse. The inner turmoil encountered in 2020 was for people to reach an awareness to better surf the physical transmutation of 2021.

When old ways are applied, attempts to handle earthly issues will fail and there’ll be lots of confusion in the crowd.

The key is to understand the dualism that we have put into our belief systems. What do you want Why is there conflict in getting what you want? Why is it unclear? Is your need for success, fame or recognition motivated by fear or love? What trauma makes you hate being judged? But are you yourself judging others? One needs to contemplate and reflect. If you are confused and not able to see what’s going on inside, you may find a professional healer or aura scanner to consult from. If you don’t have the clarity of mind, not only will your manifestation be hampered, your experience in life will also be unclear.

MATRIX (COMPANY): February sees crises in many companies. If you are a company director, it’s important to align your work with the Universe. The Aquarian Age requires us to stay connected with our hearts and intuition. Tip: Change must happen first in ourselves before it manifests outwardly.

You may feel despair fixing people’s problems, have fear attending meetings, feel reluctant to go to work and not be in the “mood” to do what you must do. This is all because the negativity around you is piling up.

You may be one of many to experience entanglements and complications. Again, go inward to make the shift easier. And when you shift your perception to love, you will begin to see the divine purpose of all the turmoil you might be going through and the way out of it.

Fear-based mentalities attract each other. Challenges in the company will be caused by negative minds and emotions. The use of fear in the Age of Aquarius to motivate people will breed negativity and inefficiency. Shift the company’s fear-based motivation into a love-based one. It may not sound practical to those who are not aware of the inward path, but it’s the only way! We urge you to let go of fear and follow your heart in this endeavor. Do things according to your heart if you find yourself being surrounded by negative people and your mood or mental state are affected by them.

Things seem to keep failing and problems crop up faster than solutions. It’s then time to realign your company’s purpose. If you have a purpose to serve people, you would not be able to avoid the stress caused by frequency differences. It may sound impractical and even difficult to serve, but it’s the only way. Let go of the multiple layers of dysfunctionality that will surface. Clearing those entanglements may have a cost, but it will save the future. This is better than doing nothing and having the whole team go through the calcification process.

The new frequencies coming from Source are trust, love, beauty, unity, harmony, equality, truth, understanding, prosperity and creativity. The energies of the Age of Aquarius will become more dominant, and it’ll be a natural harmonious way of life that will guide everything back to its natural rhythm.

LIGHTWORKERS: It’s time to clear up distractions. Focus. Get efficient – do the 20% that brings 80% of the result. Align your work with the Universe, go deep and scale up. Those who follow their inner guidance and the guidance of the Lightforces will start having opportunities that will manifest at mid-year and even earlier.

You have spent many lifetimes training for this moment. A time of cosmic transition is anchoring it all down to earth. 2021 is when all illusions and dysfunctionalities melt away. Mastering yourself was the preparation for you to be at your peak at this time to help others.

Invoke, pray and call in Light!

Although bringing change to a world filled with darkness and having to face the same in many lifetimes seem harsh, Project Earth is where you can change many realities in one place.

“Those who shall stay and endure and flourish and those whose time is up and shall go.” ~ Solara.

You are a multi-dimensional being backed by many high-dimensional energies embedded in every part of your being, personality and life aspect. The purpose is to transmute matter. When so many energies are embedded in one place, it always involves facing the unknown, and the very real possibility of annihilation. Human consciousness propels forward in an unprecedented evolution and transformation, morphing unlimited dimensions from the viewpoint of Source and generating unlimited perceptions.

You are now leaving the consciousness lock that binds you to the human experience, expanding into a never-ending evolution of multiverse experience from the human viewpoint. This means you are about to defy all gravity and limitations that the matrix has compressed into your being. A quantum leap of awareness of how we see ourselves is now birthing.

Follow your inner guidance. There you will realize your connections with every living being unfolding into reality. At this point, you may not feel comfortable as you leave your “cocoon” to explore the world. Go on, allow yourself to explore your starry self or your galactic self by going into deep silence. You will meet your Higher Self at its Center.


March marks a fiery start with events that will overwhelm the world. The world’s mass media will show evidence that will bring change to some inhumane structural system. There may be a scientific or medical breakthrough, or a scandal. The dawn of day can be seen on the horizon. Those with competitive mindsets will fear. On the other hand, many cooperative individuals will come together to form small groups or communities for the common good.

Much stress energy will be generated in March, a living fire that will start to heal humanity. Those who are connected to the goddess energy will begin to play very important roles in society – the Phoenix reborn! The Covid-19 virus should be cleared by now as collective immunity is achieved (but there could be a few months of delay).

MATRIX: Half the world will experience hell, while the other half, progress. What you experience will depend on your vibration, that is, what you choose, consciously or unconsciously.

Those who experience hell will be those who vibrate in the energies of discrimination, judgement, separation, lack of integrity, denial, confusion, dogmatic beliefs, etc. These vibrations will push things to fail. The remedy? Fix the duality inside the mind. Start to work on your trauma patterns, clear the poison from your mind and start working with awareness starting today.

It’s not too late to start your spirituality journey now to heal the wound inside. The world may seem to flip, but we can help heal it by first fixing the world inside ourselves that had been set on fire a long time ago. Cleanse ourself when you don’t feel any inner guidance or when you feel bad.

Things will be very different for the other half of the world who will get the Universe’s blessing. Things will progress rapidly for them as they vibrate in the energies of discipline, teamwork, selflessness, purpose, contribution and generosity. This group will find it easier to blend into the idea of living collectively in the future. They may still have an earthly personality, but they will get insights and blessings from the Universe that will make things work for them. There will still be challenges but much support will come forth for them.

Do not hold on to people who leave your reality, it’s time to mingle and form new associations. Flow instead of resist to stay uplifted during this time.

LIGHTWORKERS: There will be demand for new technologies in healing, energy and spirituality. There will be a high demand for lightworkers and we must be equipped to build the New Atlantis.

Scale up! Doing this to help many others is not about ambition. It’s about a beautiful new world we are creating with other light pillars. You may think the “outer” is not your concern. Trust me, building a new world is OUR task. Let’s begin now! The faster we can uplift the masses, the quicker we can achieve Oneness in the world.

There will be more need to connect with nature. Many rural spaces will start to develop. People will be drawn to camping and the outdoors. It will be important to protect nature from the increased human activity. Forest care awareness, trash management and use of biodegradable materials are some of the things that we can have to co-exist with and enjoy nature.

Your inner connection skills have equipped you for the conditions you will be facing. Intense emotions will fill the air and people will need to be coached by healers. People can sign up for the necessary courses or simply learn online. A good reason for people to have physical contact with experienced lightworkers is that the energy body can learn more in the presence of a stronger aura.

You can feel a lot of difference going to sacred sites to learn and remember. The Tachyon chamber for healing can accelerate your full spectrum of wellness.



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