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AYU-OK Holistic Health

More and more seekers are waking up to - Who am I? What is my Purpose?

We are in the midst of the Great Shift in Consciousness… can you feel it? Many of you are experiencing a feeling of time speeding up, a questioning of who you are and what life is about, and the inability to function in your old ways of living

The year 2012 marked the end of many great cycles of time in particular the end of the 26,000 year Cycle and the 225 million Galactic year Cycle. The Mayan, Incan, Aztec, Hopi & Vedic traditions all acknowledge that 2012 marks the end of major cycles, and the beginning of a major advance in consciousness. The ‘Great Shift’ is the term for our journey now, and our birth into an awakened state of consciousness.

What is one of the powers you have been given by the Shift in 2012. The high frequency energies cause the dissolution of the old world, but they also build a new world. In the new world, you have far more capacity and control over your life. Use visualization and affirmation to accomplish life-affirming goals. Hone your intuition through meditation, breathing, and reflection. Use techniques to balance your energies through the chakras or other methods that suit 

What would you like to do, if TIME, MONEY or EDUCATION did not matter - Don't think too hard what would it be ... something that will give you life and no material gain matters ?? GO DEEP

What stops you from achieving / stepping out of your comfort zone - One of the most distressing emotions that people have is fear, be it real or imagined... Fear could be related to many things ... Fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being hurt , attached to something and so on ...
Imagine that the thing you are fearful of is actually a wonderful experience to let go and grow !!!

Imagine that your fear is here to teach you something. Ask what is its purpose? Is it to help you grow or keep you stuck where you are? Is the fear keeping you from being the best you can be? Attention to feelings and thoughts. When you pay attention to the mind, which always seeks to deny the NOW and to escape from it. In other words the the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer ... Or put it like this : the more you are able to honour and accept the NOW, the more you are free of pain, of suffering and free of the ego mind... 

Remember you are the master of your mind ... NOT your mind ... 
Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. In this life journey you unlearn the fear and prejudice and accept love back into your heart...

Attachment is not only emotional it is also material … what is attachment? 
A strong, affectional tie we feel for special people or material things in our lives that leads us to feel pleasure and joy and the thought of losing them creates a fear. Attachment is the attachment to your desired object that results in the suffering. When you do not have it, you cannot get your desire out of your mind. You become anxious, start to crave, whine, complain, envy and get frustrated because of your attachment.

To be attached to something means that you believe that you cannot do without it. Somehow you see that your life will be compromised without this possession

The scriptures of the Bhagavad Gita, Moses, The Buddha, and Jesus teach detachment generates a spiritual lifestyle of growth. Surrendering all emotional relationships, materialism, and even family is required to attain a spiritual lifestyle of detachment. This path is required for the person that is seeking truth and enlightenment and who desires to walk the narrow road. 

Surrender all material attachments; the successful person will become rooted in firm wisdom. A person’s karma melts away, the duties, or action, of a person should be in the spirit of sacrifice, and that is an act of devotion. When you are detached, you cut off your feelings. You are non-attached.

Non-attachment suggests the possibility of having a desire but not being attached to it. Hence you do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed emotionally. Neither do you permit your internal critic to take over. You take note of the negative thoughts and emotions that come up but you choose not to focus your attention on them.

Attachment means – Desire to have, “ I need… want …”

Detachment means - Freeing yourself from the word "I" 

Attachment can be the one thing that is preventing you from manifesting the results you want.

Ego is seperative consciousness. The real problem with ego is that it prevents us from knowing ourselves and discovering our own greater potential. It is in this sense most of all that ego is a bar to human progress. Ego divides us from the Oneness of life.

Ego contributes to our Ignorance because it supports our tendency to take a limited view -- i.e. the part -- and believe it is the Whole.

Integrity is a symbol of an integrated or whole mind, a mind in which there is no conflict and nothing is out of accord. Integrity follows from honesty, as honesty follows from trust, and by honesty I mean consistency and by trust
Integrity is the key to a good life. Destiny and well-being depend on it. Our confidence, our openness to love and how well we follow our hearts.

In integrity we live; without it we die. Being untrue to your heart will destroy your life, and create your own personal hell. But if you follow your heart, it will create heaven on earth for you. Each moment in life, each choice, is a fork in the road. Which way will we go? Where will we end up? It depends on how true you are to your heart.

Truth symbolizes goodness, faith, honesty, sincerity, and integrity of character. Being true to your own self is like being in harmony with reality, in harmony with Nature. It is like being reconciled with things as they are and being one with the Universe. Sadly, our hectic lifestyles, peer pressure, small pleasures, and our endless passion for money have destroyed the core values of truth. Many of us believe in what we would like to believe, and do what we feel based on these beliefs, even though our thoughts and actions are miles away from the truth.

When you are being true to yourself, you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It also means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world.
You spend so much time wondering who you are? You flounder about, searching for your identity, when most of the time it is as plain as you looking at your face in the mirror. You struggle with questions of purpose and need, and forget that the answers are found mostly inside your own self.

Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. 

The journey on the road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges and these are the challenges you need to be conscious of (just like a car on a long journey the bumps, running out of fuel, water, breakdown, exposed to different climates, passing through happy places, passes through miserable places, meeting all different types of people) and look within and find the true meaning of them as they are helping you search your true self

Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise as these are helping in your spiritual growth finding true self; only we don't realize that at the time.

Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise as these are helping in your spiritual growth finding true self; only we don't realize that at the time.

The people that we meet on our journey, are people that we are destined to meet, this is the world drama you are in and the role you are playing. Everybody comes into our lives for some reason or another and we don't always know their purpose until it is too late. They all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while.

Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing and being aware of your thoughts (mind), you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of your true self and you will be ready to climb the divine ladder to uncover the truth.

Setting goals is very important in the physical and spiritual world and one should be patient when setting off to reach the goal, remember to take small steps … you don’t want any accidents…

Lets say for example you are going on a long journey, which is 200 miles from where you are starting your journey. What is the first thing you do?

Firstly you will know where you need to get to as you have an address, then you will start planning your journey in terms of route how to get there. As it’s a long journey you will check the car is in perfect condition to get you there, checking tyres, oil, petrol, water etc. Then you will get yourself ready making sure you have the map, phones, address, snacks whatever you need to set off.

You set off on your journey knowing your final destination, you sort of know how you going to get there as you will follow the map (satnav), you can only see 100 meters ahead each time and when you get to the 100 meters you see the next 100 meters. You do NOT have a clue what you may encounter (i.e. puncture, bad weather, diversions, accident, stop for fuel) or what you may desire (i.e. may want to stop to eat, shop and you may meet someone). The point is you know where you are heading but you have no clue as to what obstacles / joys you may come across. 

This is life we set goals and we face obstacle, challenges, joys etc. and if you don’t give up we will get to the final goal somehow, but majority of the time people give in as they let the mind take control allowing all emotions to surface. (Problem with the mind is that it is so use to comforts it does not know how to handle discomfort)

The same rules apply to the spiritual world when we are ready to start searching for TRUE SELF we set goals that we will connect we start the journey with the best intention, but what happens? We give up right at the beginning as we are not seeing, feeling or hearing anything from the divine world. (The 

human mind doesn’t relate well to when it doesn’t feel, see, hear, smell anything … esp. things not known to it.)

When you are on the path of spiritual growth of finding TRUE SELF you will face many encounters as your real self comes to surface and you need to be strong enough to handle what you see, feel and hear. You will come across many eye openers, spiritual teachers of all sorts, challenges that you never thought you could achieve, its having the determination making sure you can reach your goal.

Some people are in the illusion that ‘now that I am on the spiritual path it’s gods job to help me’ … HOW? Just like what you do in the physical world to achieve a goal the same applies here you have to plan, study and gain knowledge. Enlightenment will then help you find your TRUE SELF and what do I mean by true self is when you fully aware of emotions, senses, mind, body and soul and then you are ready for your awakening and its bliss … that’s when you are fully aware of life is immortal. 

Its important that you set goals in your life both physical and spiritual as when both are balanced your mind and soul are balanced and you will then see clear direction towards your set goals. 

Without life goals can you just imagine what life would be like lost, bored, lethargic, demotivated, cluttered, depressed and confused?

Goals are much more powerful than wants, wishes and hopes. Goals release a force what makes things happen.
Focus on what you want, visualize it and spend time thinking positively of the outcome and you will succeed, rather than focusing on all the things that might get in your way.


You spend so much time wondering who you are? You flounder about, searching for your identity, when most of the time it is as plain as you looking at your face in the mirror. You struggle with questions of purpose and need, and forget that the answers are found mostly inside your own self.

Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. 

The journey on the road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges and these are the challenges you need to be conscious of (just like a car on a long journey the bumps, running out of fuel, water, breakdown, exposed to different climates, passing through happy places, passes through miserable places, meeting all different types of people) and look within and find the true meaning of them as they are helping you search your true self

Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise as these are helping in your spiritual growth finding true self; only we don't realize that at the time.

The people that we meet on our journey, are people that we are destined to meet, this is the world drama you are in and the role you are playing. Everybody comes into our lives for some reason or another and we don't always know their purpose until it is too late. They all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while.

Your life is the sum result of all the choices you make, both consciously and unconsciously. If you can control the process of choosing and being aware of your thoughts (mind), you can take control of all aspects of your life. You can find the freedom that comes from being in charge of your true self and you will be ready to climb the divine ladder to uncover the truth.

You are responsible for your own actions; not those of others - you are responsible for your reactions to what others do to you

Its not what happens that matters but how you react (to what happens) that matters, its not about the situation or the circumstance, its about you in it, nothing has meaning until we give them…and…people only treat you the way you let them

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and the dynamics of Karma help us to keep learning and progressing through the actions done by us in each lifetime. Karma is very impersonal and it applies to everyone without exception at all times. Karma teaches us take self-responsibility as it makes us feel responsible for our actions in every situation. Karma makes us understand the cause and effect of our actions.

You cannot make karma for other people's actions. You can make karma for your reaction to other people's actions. This is one of the major principles behind the Golden Rule. You live in a world in which every human being has free will. You also live in a world that is very far removed from God’s original purity and intent. Therefore, you have many people who have descended into a very low state of consciousness in which they are completely self-centered and selfish. So when you enter this world, it is inevitable that you will be exposed to people who will treat you in a way that is not according to the laws of God. When a person mistreats you, that person will automatically make karma. There is no way the person could ever escape the responsibility for that karma, although it might not come back to the person in the present lifetime. 

The accumulation of bad karma over several lifetimes can cause a person to experience a lifetime of misery and sacrifice.

The best way to bring "Good Karma" to your life, is doing good deeds. But not just helping someone out with there broken down vehicle. Make the tasks of serving and helping others a priority in your life.

You must also focus your whole life on doing saying and thinking things that make you feel good about yourself. You should be doing things that are empowering to yourself and to others. Be grateful all the time for the little things, in life. Forgive others and teach others how to forgive. Be honest with people and most importantly with yourself. Be proud of yourself, even with your imperfections, at least your trying. Be kind to others and be humble when trying to help. Always offer a good comment to someone you could make their day! Pray and ask for better ways to assist others in need. Most importantly always think, feel and do everything in your life with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE

Emotions are part of a person's mood and personality and stem from the individual point of view. People act and behave in a manner that corresponds directly to their emotional state.

Your body has emotional responses to most everything. Your body tells you how it’s feeling about life and what's going on through waves of emotional energy. Each time there is an emotional response; a wave of emotional energy is created. Don’t suppress these emotions – they become baggage and then become rooted deep within and depending on a situation that root cause can erupt.

Every human being looks for happiness and emotional security; fear of loss, of the unknown and fear of death is intrinsic to the human mind.

The mind likes to give itself a sense of worth; it doesn’t like to be alone or unwanted. So the mind plays games and uses all kinds of ploy to seek attention that gives a positive attention to family and friends.

The mind suffers from the disease of possiveness; it clings to material things and people. The mind is very insecure as insecurities are deeply embedded in the human mind and these trigger these emotions.

Strange that no one will admit to being dependent, yet no one is free of dependence … its true you are not … and these cause a wheel of emotions and actions.

Being emotional responsible means not being vunerable, rather being conscious in your dealings with people. Be conscious of your mind and to observe your responses / emotions to situations.

Emotions are strong responses, which occur more as a reflex than a deliberate exercise.

Your thoughts are based on your emotions, and your emotions are virtually your desires. When you desire something, that desires become the motivation that moves your whole being. You should understand this principle. The root cause of all emotions is desire.

If you understand the sources of emotions, you can easily understand any emotional problem, no matter how hidden the emotions are, and you will not be disturbed.

To be enlightened about something is to have knowledge of it. To be spiritually enlightened is to have flawless knowledge of our true nature, the reality of God, and the process of life itself.

Spiritual growth doesn’t have to be difficult; you make it difficult by being impatient and wanting it just like any material commodity. WRONG.

Many “truth seeker” experience unnecessary difficulties and occasionally or frequent episodes of frustration and despair. I see it all the time “why can’t I feel what you do? Why cannot I connect, why can I not see God” … I nod my head every time … I keep saying and will reiterate DO NOT make someone else’s experience yours. We are all at different stages of spiritual growth because of the many cycles we have lived … 

The problem is YOU do not yet have an intellectual understanding of the essential nature, the reality of God. Your thoughts and behavior are determined by egocentric attitude, subliminal urges, acquired cultural beliefs, irrational choices or the self-behavior and flawed opinions of spiritually unaware people with whom you relate or admire or whose approval you desire to have.

Spiritual enlightenment is not a goal to be achieved, nor is it the affect of any cause. It is actualized when we awaken to the truth of what we are {TRUE SELF} and out relationship with God. Spiritual awakening is usually gradual, with partial insights preceding comprehensive discoveries. I advise you to be patient, skillfully adhere to a course of useful study and practice while being attentive to the possibility of sudden awakening that can occur. Stop waiting and looking, relax into and enjoy the experience with no expectations, ITS IMPORTANT TO STUDY…

To be skillful is to be proficient in thoughts and deeds. Useful study enables helpful knowledge to be acquired. Useful spiritual practice makes our awareness receptive to insights and allows Self and God-knowledge to be unveiled. 

Some of my experiences when I became enlightened:

• You realize every single thing in the universe is where it has to be.

• You have an urge to mediate and connect, you are constantly focused on true self and aware of every thought and action

• You become aware of the whole chain of reactions that you produce when you speak, act, or do things.

• Time doesn`t exist anymore, because you feel your existence is eternal.

• You don`t eat meat anymore, because as your tridimensional body has shifted in vibrations, it requires higher energetic meals. As fresh vegetables and fruits... meat is a very low vibrational speaking, piece of matter. 

• You feel ONENESS with everything that surrounds you.

• You feel closer to nature as you feel very much part of all the elements. You feel the closeness and love

• You give gratitude for all what you have received and receive

• You ONLY live in the present moment

• You connect instantly to the divine access to abundance of knowledge and wisdom.

• You want to do more for humanity as you want to serve (service)

• You have reach the conclusion that everything that exist is only a maze of mirrors, but not real, a Hologram, a matrix. Finally you become aware … that LOVE is the primeval substance of all that is.

REMEMBER the above are my personal experiences, as I mentioned everyone’s experience is unique ... so go find true self and experience the BLISS.
Your true self is like a mirror ... The mirror never changes, but everybody who looks at it sees something different ... Be conscious of what you are reflecting 
“Your power lies in how you respond to the circumstances which have been created in your life. “

Most of us walk around with a story. This is the story of who we are. Then there is another story…the story of who we want to be. Most of us have trouble believing the story of who we want to be because of the discomfort caused by who we think we are presently and an unwillingness or inability to face our own thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. 

Remember that if "bad" circumstances are affecting you, it is often not because of some "bad" way that you thought or behaved in the past, but it may be because you planned your life so that it would present certain challenges. How you respond to those challenges is the whole point of the exercise. The strongest steel is that which is quenched from great heat and the most compassionate heart is one which has seen great suffering in the world.

You reap what you sow, but most people apply this to circumstances that usually have a negative consequence, it has a far broader meaning than people know or want to admit. It is so broad, as a matter of fact, that if people really thought about it they might find the implications frightening, and yet, on the other hand, it is also a key to unlocking everything you could ever want.

In a nutshell here is the key to life, the universe is a perfect mirror reflecting back to you precisely and exactly what you have been holding at the deepest levels of your consciousness. That sounds so simple, but most people don’t ever think about it, or live their lives as if it were true. The very nature of the universe is that it has to give you what you ask for. This is why people of all faiths praying to God by different names still works. If a call goes out with faith, belief, and knowing that there is a God who will answer, the sincerity, belief and conviction of the intention causes the universe to respond. This is the way everything has been set up. It is the perfect system of justice.

So the reason people often don't have or get what they consciously want is because they have counter programs running deeply within them that put out the opposite intention into the universe. The forces of our feelings and beliefs from the past create the currents that orchestrate circumstances in our life today. This is essentially one of the ways karma works. Whatever we have energized in the past will manifest in our present and future unless we do something to change it.

When you finally realize that the universe is a perfect mirror, reflecting back to you precisely and exactly what you have been holding in consciousness at the deepest levels, your life will change. For one thing if you really pursue what this means you will do a deep soul searching, and begin to see how you have created your reality and how to create other realities.

Being aware of the mirror universe also causes you to become much more mindful through the day because you will find you are in the process of creation all the time. This is perhaps the most important and profound understanding you can have about life, because it affects literally every experience you have.
This understanding reduces everything down to a very basic process that is phenomenal. If something in your life is not working you don't have to waste your time looking outside of yourself for the cause, because it isn't there. You just look inside and even if you don't know what the cause is, as long as you get in touch with the feeling it creates you can clear the cause. This is most profound in it's simplicity.

Everything emerges from thoughts, words, actions, beliefs and feelings we have energized in the past. We live in a field of potentiality that creates and forms itself according to our deepest thoughts and patterns we have set in motion. And yet there is no will or consciousness other than your own making decisions for you. It is totally your will, beliefs, intentions and desires that impel creation and therefore your experiences.
Although, thinking of what your life can be is a good start, you must have the idea and vision of where you want to go if you ever expect to get there. If you don't have that focus then rather than being self-determined you will be subject to the patterns of your past or the whims of others.
You can either make a determination for love and harmony, or one of discord and pain. It is only when you start to awaken to deeper truths than what the 5 senses tell you that you realize how you arrived at where you find yourself today.

Everything you think and do everyday is feeding into the stories which you are scripting and then live by. The stories you tell yourself today are the scripts that will manifest tomorrow. When you understand how this works it will definitely give you a motivation to make you more mindful about what you think, say and do.

The trick is finding out what you are doing that is creating what you don't want and discovering what you can do to create what you do want. Start by becoming quiet and still and take your attention away from what you don't want, and place your attention on what you wish to experience. Once you decide what you want believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you and believe it is manifesting in your life now.
When the voice, vision and belief on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life.
Whenever you change the way you view life, the universe, just like a mirror, reflects your new view of reality. This may not occur instantaneously as, often, circumstances do not allow the new reflection to immediately manifest. In this case, the new reality is held, like a pressure within the aura of your body's subtle magnetic field. You then walk around in life, surrounded by this magnetic potential, your "karmic pattern," as it influences your circumstances to adapt into a form where the new reality will be able to manifest and operate.

Reluctance, sooner or later, produces manifestation. Therefore, if you don't like something in your life, the most powerful way to change it is to discover how, consciously or subconsciously, you have generated that reflection. Then change your point of view - the beliefs, viewpoints and energies that you put into your life - so that the reflection is changed.

How did judgment start? Its started from the day you had awareness of your actions and when your actions caused a reaction in your parents. We heard and absorbed our parents’ judgments as we grew up and then began forming our own as our fear of rejection developed. Then we became judgmental not only with ourselves but with others too. 

We commonly use judgment to soothe the ego by justifying our own thoughts, actions and opinions, cultivating the perception that we are right and good while others are wrong and bad. Judgment is a way of conforming to what is commonly accepted, making it more likely that we ourselves will fit in and be accepted, or in essence, loved. People who annoy us are usually just reflecting that which we are trying to reject in ourselves.

Judgmental attitude creates feelings of likes and dislikes which give rise to negative emotions like hatred, jealousy, anxiety etc. If we get driven away by these emotions, we will not be able to settle in our own Self, our true nature is the Absolute Bliss

Judgment robs us of the ability to hear our inner guide. Once you let go of your attachments to being right (which could a set of beliefs /habits) you will see you mind will suddenly open up more and you will be able to benefit from the unique viewpoint of others without being crippled by your own judgment

In order to experience reality as it truly is with all its vastness and richness, we need to let go of judging others, situations, and ourselves. Many of us on the spiritual path to awakening know it isn’t helpful to judge; yet we do it anyway, and then we judge ourselves for doing it

As we let go of judgment we move out of the head and into the experience of our higher selves. This is a rich, clear, present space from which to experience reality as it truly is.

How many people have you come across in your life can you say have truly been 100% honest??
Have you been honest? What is honesty?

How can we be honest to others when we are not honest to ourselves, we play many roles in this lifetime and each role comes with beliefs, values and rules that we set for ourselves? Each role we play we change our ways to fit into that role, we sometimes have to hide the truth of who we truly are by not being our true self or sometimes even throwing in some white lies because of the circumstances we are put in.

Having integrity and being honest are fundamental requirements if you want to grow spiritually and follow your true destination of personal development. It’s not simply about being honest with people. Whilst that will make you a better person and a more accepted one it’s more importantly about being honest with yourself.

When we stop fearing who we truly are that’s when we can be 100% honest with others and ourselves. If we’re honest in all that we do and say, it means we are genuine, real and true whereas dishonesty symbolizes all that is fake, fictitious and unreal. Living your life honestly and with integrity means that you’ve decided to live openly and to show your true self to others and that you can be relied upon to be genuine.

Of course, being brutally honest all of the time can also backfire on you. There may be situations where telling the whole truth causes you to inflict a lot of pain and distress on somebody else, the compromises you might wish to make with regards to your total honesty have to be clearly thought through. Some may even say that it’s better to be brutally honest all of the time than to be indecisive in what you say or do which could make matters worse.
However, in taking the decision that you are going to live your life honestly and openly, you will find that your life becomes enriched as a result as you reveal your true self which in turn will be reciprocated in the respect and honesty you’ll receive from others.

4 key reasons why honesty can guide to enlightenment 

• Face Your Weaknesses: We all have weaknesses and shortcomings. No one is exempt from this reality.
• Face Reality: How is your life really?
• Drop False Personalities (your different roles): If you watch your ego in action carefully, you will notice that you spend enormous amounts of energy building and sustaining false images of yourself
• Honesty In Meditation: When you sit down to meditate, and start to watch your thoughts, you will realize how deceptive the mind is.

The need for honesty and sincerity cannot be over-emphasized. In the early stages it is recommended, to break the habit of unconscious lying and self-deception, that even white lies and diplomacy ought to be abandoned and complete forthrightness be embraced. Once accomplished, simple honesty will go a long way to helping you evolve to your highest spiritual potential.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” –Albert Einstein

Intuition refers to the ability to understand something immediately without the application of conscious reasoning. The word comes from the Latin word 'intueri' which means to look inside or to contemplate. Since intuition is not justifiable, it is studied in psychology and has been a subject of interest linked to the supernatural.

What is often called the sixth sense, intuition can be defined as "the ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning". We all have hunches, gut feelings, or intuitive insight. The feeling one gets when first hearing about something or someone, or the first impression when we meet someone new...these are all simply our intuition.

Intuition is often considered the ability to synthesize and deduce from all of our accumulated unconscious experiences. Therefore, we "know" much more than we realize. It is also through the perception of our (other) five senses, which, allows us to "tune in" to our intuition. Those who pay attention, can find intuition a useful tool in their lives.

Intuition is a commonly tossed around term, but I think many people don't have a full-grasp on what it is and what it isn't. It's also essential to the spiritual path. As you walk deeper and deeper into the path, you find that rational reasoning is extraordinarily limited. You also find that your greater awareness is operating outside the tiny circumscribed area that is the purview of rationality. This is where intuition comes in to guide you to your deepest truths.
Keeping the Radio Clear of Chatter 

The mental noise that quickly over-runs an intuition. Your mind is too small to accept a slightly out-of-the-box suggestion. It's too caught up in reasoning to trust the guidance, so it blocks it out, stops it from integrating into you, and then transforming into the action of going into the store. I've found that following these simple little intuitions gives me a deeper sense of being on track with my life, and pretty soon, other things and opportunities begin to pop up. The intuition typically comes of its own will without any thought. Thought usually is a problem as it blocks out intuitions. Hence, meditation and any other healthful practice to clear your mind are really key to getting clear intuitions. 

Having Faith in Your Intuitions 
In many ways, intuitions are your direct communications from your spirit, your guides, God, the universe, or whatever energy/inspiration source seems to be present in your life. Subsequently, you need to cultivate a sense of faith to allow them to come freely to you. Too much doubt (typically driven by fear) will stop you from receiving well or stop you from acting on the intuition. Acting upon an intuition is essential because it helps you to realize, manifest, and embody the spiritual communication. The further you go on the path, the more intuition becomes the golden chain link of sanity that helps pull you through the ups and downs of the path. 

But I'm So Confused 
It takes years of practice for many people to get the clarity they need to hear their intuitions clearly. If you haven't practiced trusting your intuitions, start small. Do it with what food you feel you should eat or where to go with a friend tonight to hang out. It doesn't have to be a big thing. Usually, intuitions are small things anyway that build up to big things over time. In many respects a big intuition is called a revelation, and too many of those things completely shake up and change your life anyway. You don't need that yet if you're still working through a lot of confusion. You simply need to start carving out a little space of trust so that intuitions can start to grow unimpeded. Pretty soon you'll start to see a little clearer and feel a little closer to where you want to be. 

Intuitive messages range from an inkling to a strong sign or message. 
Your inner self is persistent and consistent. It will keep trying to get your attention until you receive the message. An “inkling” is like a glimmer or fleeting thought that comes from somewhere inside that you can’t quite put your finger on. A “hunch” is a bit stronger in that you may feel a certain knowing about something. Intuitive urges are accurate information from a higher intelligence. An intuitive message ranges from hearing actual words, seeing a clear picture, or a deep inner knowing. Some people experience intuition as a feeling, others a gut reaction, some experience intuition as thoughts, others see images or have a dream, while some hear an actual message. Become familiar with how your inner self communicates with you. Then you will easily recognize it and begin trusting your intuition.

The best ways to cultivate your intuition are:
1. Be Quiet
Practice taking time out every day to experience silence. Calm your mind with traditional or active meditation. Release your need to think, analyze, and know everything. Listen.
2. Be Open to the gift of intuition and accept what is has to tell you. Many times, our rational mind thinks it has it “all figured out,” and that keeps us from reaching our true potential and experiencing new opportunities.
3. Be Creative
Creativity comes in many forms: painting, writing, dancing, design, cooking. Do something that helps you get into the “flow,” that place where time seems to fly by and the work is leading you. Creativity is an expression of your spirit and goes hand-in-hand with intuitive guidance.
4. Be Curious
When you ask yourself questions, you gain additional insight and clarity. When you ask a question like, “What is the next step I need to take?” Know that you already know what you need to know and the answer will be revealed.
5. Journal
While writing, you tap into thoughts, feelings, ideas and direction that you are not consciously aware of. Writing allows the truth to come forth and is an easy way to unleash and gain insight from your inner self.

Have fun with this and trust yourself. Once you become aware of how powerful your intuition really is and trust it, it will become your sixth sense—as trustworthy and commonplace as your other five senses!



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